How to get a 9% conversion rate on your store

Conversion; plays an important key role in ones paid search strategy, the reason being,

Conversion; plays an important key role in ones paid search strategy, the reason being, if the visitors on your website are not turning into buyers then what’s one spending and advertising for.

Conversion rate optimization enables one to maximize and finding ways to convince the maximum percentage of your website visitors to turn into prospects.

A good conversion rate means more and more customers are converting easily on your website.
A higher conversion rate leads to better ROAS & profitability for the brand.

Now, the question occurs, why one needs a better conversion rate?
The reason to this is,  

  • Lower cost per result through ads
  • More profits
  • Can help you understand the demand for the products better
  • Better performance

How to get a better conversion rate?

# Optimized Website –
Your website should be optimized for the products you want to promote. Every product page should be optimized specifically to build trust, urgency, scarcity and it should become a no-brainer deal for the customer.

# Great Creatives or Ad Copy –
Invest a huge amount of time to make the best type of creatives/ad copy and don’t slack off here at any cost.

# Product/Design Research (Must) –
No matter it’s a brand or a drop shipping store, there are going to be products which will help you acquire customers easily. Test & find those winner products. A winner product can make you money for months and even years. This is a must!

# Targeting –
If you have a good product, amazing creatives, or ad copy + an optimized website then you can focus on just running ads. Even average targeting would work if all other elements are done properly.

When you can’t get a high conversion rate?

#Niche –
Conversion rate also depends on the niche or segment. all brands can’t achieve 9% or 10% CR by simply working on all the elements. There is a chance your niche is competitive or customers are not ready to purchase easily in your niche.

#Competition –
If competition is intense in your space and people are selling similar products then it does get difficult.

#Branding –
Some products or niches require more time to sell. So, you need to create awareness for your brand and then sell it to other people

#Price –
It genuinely depends a lot on your price point too whether people would convert easily or not. So, a good offer helps a lot here.

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